warrior pose

Queefing 101

Okay, so my last college semester didn’t go so “hot” which lead me to thinking about high school. “What did I do to destress?” I asked myself. It all came rushing back. It was my sophomore year in high school, I’ve never been one to take part in midday physical education class until one year I was given the option to do yoga. I jumped at it perfect I thought. Im a pro! I took gymnastics for 3 years.No sweat, easy A.

Welp some time had past that year and more important things happened… (I lost my virginity) TMI so no tid bits besides he was my summer bf that turned longterm love. Point is I noticed small changes in my body.

So here I am going to my twice a week yoga group in the small gym. Unintimidated by my classmates nor the sketchy instructor who always liked to push and stretch me (as if I wasn’t extended fully, trust me I was) nor was I intimidated by bending my body in unusual positions.

We did our normal meet and greet however our mats lined the wall, shoes were tossed to the side and stretching begin. Downward dog, table top, warrior pose, had passed and then we did (Sirasana) I walked my feet up the wall into a shoulder stand when all of a sudden like a syringe air had filled my who-ha. Still aginst the wall and afraid to come down, my instructor advice the class was coming to an end and we could stay in said position or move into childs pose. As everyone makes move around me I stayed firm “What do I do ?” I eased my way down slow! It had happened what I feared. ”What goes in must come out.” The classmate next to lets out a loud laugh “I heard that Chloe, you just farted!” HAHAHA! Her loud mouth had set in, my lady parts broke wind. I didn’t know if I was more mortified to deny it being a fart or to accept it as that, So I laughed it off as a “fart” completely still mortified. You’re not the first woman to “queef” in front of a manor in a yoga class and you won’t be the last. so the internet told me. I’ve never attended another yoga class again but! Im giving it much consideration to fit it into my schedule.

As this is my first post I’m taking Mish of [Mishlovinglife.com(s)] advice from my horribly written email, “You need to first find your voice.” Hopefully I’ll become a more creative writer this year.